The Black Graduation Celebration of Excellence
The Black Graduation Celebration of Excellence is an African-centered pre-commencement ceremony that honors undergraduate, graduate and professional school students who have successfully completed their studies at Wayne State University. The Black Graduation Celebration of Excellence provides a forum where excellence among students can be celebrated, and achievements acknowledged.
Bridging the past with our present, the Black Graduation Celebration of Excellence serves as a cultural rite of passage that recognizes and affirms graduating students who have completed a rigorous course of study at WSU. It is not an alternative graduation, but rather a celebration of success and is open to people from all backgrounds and identities.
Date: Saturday, April 27, 2024
Time: Noon - 2 p.m.
Location: Wayne State Fieldhouse
Information about how to participate and other details about the day has been emailed to graduates who RSVP for the event. The Gradudate Information Guide can be found here.
RSVP here. Deadline to RSVP is Monday, April, 8th at 11:59pm or until we reach capacity.
The first 200 graduates that register online will receive a FREE kente sash and souvenir booklet!
We have reached capacity for this event!
In order to receive the FREE kente sash and souvenir booklet:
You MUST RSVP and participate in the celebration on Saturday, April 27, 2024.
Once we receive the first 200 registrations, you will no longer be able to receive this exclusive offer for the FREE kente sash and souvenir booklet.
If you already have a kente sash, please allow someone else this opportunity.
You will be presented your kente sash and souvenir booklet on the day of The Black Graduation Celebration of Excellence (BGCE).
We kindly ask that you stay for the entire ceremony out of respect for the graduates and their guests.