Educational Programming

Thank you for your interest in the Office of Multicultural Student Engagement (OMSE)'s educational programming. Listed below are a variety of presentations we can offer to students. Diversity expands worldliness, enhances social development, promotes creative thinking, and prepares individuals to work in a global society. If you would like to invite our staff members to lead a conversation on a certain topic, please click the link below and fill out the form. Our workshops are primarily designed for undergraduate and graduate students and run approximately 50-60 minutes; however, we can also provide presentations to those working with undergraduate students. For faculty and staff focused educational programs and workshops, please visit this site

Request a Workshop or Presentation

We kindly request that you provide at least 3 weeks notice from the desired date of the session. Please note that completing a request is not a final confirmation of the intended session. An OMSE staff member will contact you regarding a meeting to discuss further details about the intended session. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our office at 313-577-2312 or via email at

Session Descriptions

Diversity 101 Workshop

What is 'diversity'? This session introduces 'diversity' and strategies on how to incorporate a working knowledge of it into your life. (Intended audience(s): All students)

Know Yourself: Exploration of Social & Personal Identity

You're the expert on your own experience and identities. In this workshop, students will be able to distinguish between social and personal identities. Students will then be able to discuss which identities are most salient to them by reflecting on how those identities are valued internally and externally by society. Students can expect to critically analyze how society allows or does not allow them to make choices about what identities are most important based on how privilege operates to normalize some identities over others. Through a series of guided activities, students will be encouraged to share their identities with their classmates, reflect on the diversity of identities in the classroom to build community and empathy. (Intended audience(s): All students)

LGBTQ+ Allyship Workshop

This workshop will assist participants in developing a fundamental understanding of how to be an ally to LGBTQ+ students. Participants will learn how to build better empathy and awareness of LBGTQ+ experiences, familiarize themselves with the wide spectrum of sexuality and gender, and understand how a student's gender and sexuality expressions can affect their overall student success. (Intended audience(s): Student Leaders)

Pronouns Workshop 

This workshop will provide an introduction to allyship with special emphasis on pronoun usage and gender neutral language. Through guided scenarios and listening you'll learn what personal pronouns are, how to talk about pronouns, and how to address issues of gendered language in everyday life. Intended audience(s): Student Leaders & Classroom Audience)

Implicit Bias and Intervention Workshop

In this workshop, students will be able to distinguish between microaggressions, implicit bias, and stereotypes. Within this session, students will be able explain the origins of these behaviors/attitudes and how they correlate and/or reinforce one another. Through scenarios and activities, students will apply effective practical strategies to disrupt instances of bias to build professional, respectful, empathic relationships with individuals from a variety of lifestyles, cultures, religions, ages, socioeconomic backgrounds, and abilities. (Intended audience(s): Student Leaders)

Understanding Microaggressions 

Microaggression? What's that? This presentation provides an overview of what microaggressions are and how to respond to them. You'll be able to better recognize them and develop tips to address them. (Intended audience(s): Student Leaders & Classroom Audience)

Intersectionality Presentation

In this workshop students will explore the concept of intersectionality, a framework developed by Kimberlé Crenshaw to understand how different aspects of identity—such as race, gender, class, sexuality, and ability—intersect and overlap, shaping individual experiences and societal structures. Through interactive discussions and case studies, students will explore how these intersections create unique forms of privilege, discrimination, and oppression. (Intended audience(s): Student Leaders & Classroom Audience)

Power and Privilege Workshop

In this workshop students will develop a baseline definition of diversity, intercultural communication, power, and privilege. With relevant strategies of effective communication across cultural difference, students will be able to explore how individual identities and implicit biases may impact the use of power and privilege. Through intergroup dialogue, students will dissect how privilege and power operate as societal structures in personal, interpersonal, cultural, and institutional systems. (Intended audience(s): Student Leaders)

Keynote Address

Our team has a host of experiences and talents and we are willing to keynote your event. Our topics are limited to areas of diversity and inclusion that specifically relate to undergraduate student engagement.

Development Opportunities for Staff and Faculty: